Be the change you want to see in the world. M .Gandhi
Gandhi’s Talisman
“I will give you a Talisman. Whenever you are in
Doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you,
Apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest
and the weakest man (woman) whom you may have
Seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is
going to be of any use of him (her). Will he (she) gain anything
by it? Will it restore him (her) to a control over his (her) own life and destiny?
In other words, will it lead to freedom for the
Hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will
Find your doubts and yourself melt away’’orde
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Our organization does not discriminate on any unlawful basis in either hiring/employment practices or in the administration of programmes and services.
Organization does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in hiring/employment practices.
our organization may receive donation under its own policy and applicable laws and regulations; this donation will not negatively impact current or future ability to do business with my organisation; and this donation will not be used to corruptly influence any government official to obtain or retain business or any improper advantage.
Sairam Healthcare Chritable Trust, sunil Nagar Nanded is a registered Non Profit Making Organization established in 2008, Governemnt registration number NAN/E-272 dated 05/07/2008 working from last 10 years with its Aims and object.
Providing quality education, awareness and health care in the spirit of society, especially the poor, the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised irrespective of caste and creed.
To identify and work with the impoverished, weaker and vulnerable sections of the society to find solutions to the challenges threatening their lives with the ultimate aim of establishing an aware, responsible and developed society based upon equality, fraternity and social justice, ensuring sustainable and holistic development with emphasis on human rights, and a culture of social service through creating synergy and building strategic partnership with the Government, NGO’s(Non Government Organizations), SHG’s (Self Help GroupCBO’(community based organizations) and various national and international organizations by planning appropriate downstream and upstream interventions.
Our Approach
Through the primary health facilities are available in the district at regular distances people especially the women, children and aged are unable to travel even short distance and prefer to go close by for the available medical facilities
rong> Facilitate the community participation in assessing their situation from social economic and political perspectives; develop appropriate strategies
which ensure community participation in capacity building, liaison with useful institutions and networking with likeminded organizations
SHCCT believes education is A universal human right; The key to poverty alleviation and sustainable human development;
SHCCT undertaken following educational activities.
- Development of need based curriculum for different target groups. 2.Development of methodology to adopt the National Curriculum to local situation i.e. Local Curriculum Development.
- Development and dissemination of graded learning materials for illiterates and literates specially for girls and women.
- Development of learning materials related with improvement of quality of life and income generation.
- Organization of training of literacy instructors, supervisors and local organizers working with NGOs.
- Various evaluation and research studies.Development of Community Learning and Development Approach and setting up 10 Community Learning Centers in different villages to combine learning with community development !”The NGOs help to train local people in different trades and to develop learning materials for different trades. !”The NGOs also help them in monitoring and evaluation of the projects. The SHCCT conduct program to improve the quality of life of local people integrating learning, earning and living process together. This is entirely NGOs initiated program which have become
- literacy, post literacy and out of school education program in different school .
- Organization of saving and credit groups;
- Organization of income generating program to poor people through skills training;
- Learning materials development and publication;
- Capacity building of local organizations;
- Organization of seminars for awareness building among the community people.
- Monitor to the grass root organizations and service organizations;
- Organization of training, seminars, workshops, meetings etc.
- Research and evaluation of development program
- Most people agree that most SHCCT is result oriented, effective & efficient.
- IN OUR MIND –—-The understanding and practice of children’s rights is an important element in the preparation of all young people for living in a democratic society that values diversity and is committed to equality and social justice. Such understanding and practice are developed at an early age in learning the basic facts about rights and through acquiring the needed skills to translate this information into action; skills such as decision-making, value clarification, and negotiations. Such learning is reinforced through the very nature of the surrounding environment itself. An appropriate climate is an essential complement to effective learning about and through rights, where it is not only enough to focus upon knowledge, and information gathering about rights, but where it is just as important, that children are given the opportunity to develop and practice skills necessary for the defense and promotion of their own and other people’s rights. It follows that children’s rights are best learned in a democratic setting where participation is encouraged, where views can be expressed openly and discussed, and where there is fairness and justice. Schools in principle provide a structured learning environment for many children particularly at primary levels, and offer a good opportunity to focus on changing knowledge, skills and attitudes of children. They are a cost-effective way of reaching children while securing wide coverage and sustainability through the already available infrastructure of the education sector itself.
Women deserve a medical service which focuses around their needs, is safe and effective and meets their expectations. In addition, the service must be efficient, local and one in which the woman’s informed choice is respected, where practical.
While most hospital visits and procedures are feared and avoided at all costs, childbirth has the unique potential of being an anticipated and joyous event in one’s life. For many low-income Indians, however, this positive potential is negated by uncertainty and inadequate health care found that India has the highest incidence of maternal deaths and 29% of global newborn deaths. 56,000 Indian mothers die annually while over 300,000 babies passing within the first day of life in India each year. I believe there is a window of opportunity to change the face of women’s health care very significantly. Some of the drivers for this opportunity include the proposed changes in the health system, the ramifications of the Working Time Regulations and the variation in clinical services and outcomes in all parts of system . In the india the majority of out-of hours acute health care is still provided by doctors in training, yet in maternity care, which is truly an emergency specialty, the need for a consultant presence 24/7 has never been more relevant. The present position is not acceptable, nor sustainable. The model we are proposing focuses on the needs of the woman and her baby by providing the right care, at the right time, in the right place, provided by the right person and which enhances the woman’s experience. The network approach proposed in this project will provide consistent care, removing variation, using the standards.. Too much care is provided within secondary and tertiary care settings, including emergency and diagnostic gynecology, and too many babies are born in the traditional ‘hospital’ setting. We need to drive this care back into the community, with appropriate provision of facilities and professionals with the appropriate skills. This will mean more midwife-led deliveries, the expansion of nursing roles and a reduction in the number of hospital units and services. However, there is also an urgent need to focus complicated care, including complex pelvic surgery, within fewer units,thereby guaranteeing the very best multi professional and multidisciplinary care possible within the most cost-effective environment. I want to see all professionals within the trust including public health, coming together to think of health promotion as a priority and to develop new integrated roles and training packages for the provision of women’s health care. Finally, women themselves need the support and encouragement of society, including the professionals, to take responsibility for their own health.More than half of pregnant women in india have no skilled support during childbirth1 – a staggering statistic considering maternal health care is supposed to be free for all. Many women are either unaware of their right to free treatment or unable to access distant, understaffed clinics. The result is that 10 women die every week during pregnancy or childbirth – the majority of these deaths are preventable. Your support can ensure that thousands of women can give birth safely and without fear.