our policy

Certify Terms *
I certify that: For non-profits ▼
 My organisation does not discriminate on any unlawful basis in either hiring/employment practices or in the administration of programmes and services.
 Myorganisation does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in hiring/employment practices.
 My organisation may receive  donation under its own policy and applicable laws and regulations; this donation will not negatively impact current or future ability to do business with my organisation; and this donation will not be used to corruptly influence any government official to obtain or retain business or any improper advantage.

Public charitable trusts, as distinguished from private trusts, are designed to benefit members of
an uncertain and fluctuating class. In determining whether a trust is public or private, the key
question is whether the class to be benefited constitutes a substantial segment of the public.
There is no central law governing public charitable trusts, although most states have a “Public
Trusts Act.” Typically, a public charitable trust must register with the office of the Charity
Commissioner having jurisdiction over the trust (generally the Charity Commissioner of the state
in which the trustees register the trust)
Relief of poverty or distress;
Medical relief;
Provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure-time occupations (including assistance for
such provision), if the facilities are provided in the interest of social welfare and public benefit;
andThe advancement of any other object of general public utility, excluding purposes which
relate exclusively to religious teaching or worship.A trust may have a single or sole trustee,
however at least three trustees are required to register a public charitable trust. In general,
Indian citizens serve as trustees, although there is no specific prohibition against non-natural
legal persons or foreigners serving in this capacity.Legal title of the property of a public
charitable trust vests in the trustees. Trustees of a public charitable trust may not, however, in
any way use trust property or their position for their own interest or private advantage. Trustees
are bound to protect the interests of the trust’s beneficiaries, and may not enter into agreements
in which they may have a personal interest that conflict or may possibly conflict with the interests
of the beneficiaries of the trust. Trustees may not delegate any of their duties, functions or
powers to a co-trustee or any other person, except that trustees may delegate ministerial acts. In
essence, trustees may not delegate authority with respect to duties requiring the exercise of
discretion.Trustees of religious or charitable trusts are charged with discharging their duties with
the degree of care that an ordinarily prudent person would exercise with respect to his personal
property. Public charitable trusts are highly regulated. For instance, in many states, purchases
or sales of immovable property by a trust or taking a loan must be approved in advance by the
Charity Commissioner.Indian public charitable trusts are generally irrevocable. If a trust becomes
inactive due to the negligence of its trustees, the Charity Commissioner may take steps to revive
the trust.
POLITICAL ACTIVITIES According to local experts, NPOs in India may not engage in political
campaign activities or legislative activities. Indian not-for-profit entities may “lobby” for nonpolitical
causes, however, provided that such activity promotes the “general public utility” and is
incidental to the attainment of the charity’s objects. Societies may have as their primary objective
the diffusion of political education (Societies Registration Act Section 20). [10] In addition, under
the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act, not-for-profit organizations involved in political
activities may not receive foreign contributions.
Article 30 of the Constitution of India gives all “minorities,” whether based on religion or
language, the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice. “Minority