Gandhi’s Talisman
“I will give you a Talisman. Whenever you are in
Doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you,
Apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest
and the weakest man (woman) whom you may have
Seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is
going to be of any use of him (her). Will he (she) gain anything
by it? Will it restore him (her) to a control over his (her) own life and destiny?
In other words, will it lead to freedom for the
Hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will
Find your doubts and yourself melt away’’
The Charity plans to build an additional wing to the existing building for meeting purpose. It is also embarking on a project with a local Voluntary Welfare Organization to provide welfare assistance to those who need it .
Dear Sir
Greetings from
During the year 2017
SHCCT in its own modest way has surged ahead in its Endeavour to act as an agent of social change in areas of critical concern like public health, women’s empowerment, non formal education, community development, etc. with focus on the urban as well as the rural poor.
SHCCT along with other likeminded individuals has been extending support to the poor
patients .We are providing support in terms of provision of medicines, investigations milk, food, (lunch & dinner), rations, blankets, clothing, transportation, etc. and also cater
Their other day to day needs. In addition SHCCT is also bearing the Lowest cost of operations by providing diagnostic and surgical consumables to the needy patients. Orthopedic aids like crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, collars, etc. are also provided.
SHCCT also assists in procuring healthy donors so that blood is sourced on time as per requirement. We are also addressing the counseling as well as recreational/devotional needs of the patients and their attendants. In a similar manner SHCCT is supporting the patients by providing milk and morning tea to all the patients as well as medicines & dry rations to the BPL (Below Poverty Line) patients staying in the GOV .Hospital
SHCCT established a Computer Literacy Center on 27Th June, 2017 in the same campus for children of the adjoining villages as part of our computer literacy drive The center has evoked tremendous response.
-SHCCT has also embarked on an Outreach Health Program wherein it desires to provide health cover to the poor and the needy with focus on women and children who are unable to access health centers. A mobile team of doctors from Apex hospital nanded .
held a Heart Checkup camp in June 2017 at nanded . This was followed by a Gynae Camp for women organized by the Bahagvati Hospitals in July 2017. followed by three Eye Camps
by sidhivinayk Eye Hospital, During the year overwhelming response in these medical camps has highlighted the dire need of health care in rural India. We plan to have at least one such camp every month covering various disciplines of health.
In December, 2017 SHCCT Undertake the onerous task of looking after unattended patients at the TRUMA centers We rehabilitate such poor patients who have been abandoned and also provide for after care.
2018 envisages making it into a model center for holistic redressed of grievances of women. We plan to compliment the above efforts by setting up a Saving lives at birth a mobile hospital & Care Health Centre equipped with basic diagnostic facilities at nanded Such a facility will not only provide basic health care but also facilitate follow ups to the monthly camps as well as registration for the next camp. Our ultimate aim is to establish a Telemedicine& pardhanmantri jandhan ayusdi Center .so that the poorest of the poor can locally access the best medical facility available .
SHCCT is also in the process of tying up with a Nanded based NGO destitute/dropouts with focus on the girl child as part of our empowerment program..
This is just a humble beginning and we have a long way to go.
SHCCT seeks to catalyze the process of social change and envisages acting as a proactive partner in a social endeavor that seeks to fulfill its dream of empowering the poor and the needy.
Sairam Healthcare Chritable Trust, sunil Nagar, Nanded running charity hospital at sunil Nagar Nanded from last ten years . Several patient of TB, Cold, Temperature, fluew etc treated and also
indoor and outdoor patients are checked by organization charity Hospital.
Sairam Healthcare Chritable Trust, sunil Nagar, Nanded Aids Janjagrati shibir at Sunil Nagar nanded on 10/10/2017 Number of patient of Aids were checked and treated them by ayurvedic medicine, any patient has not find+ve therefore they are not admitted in hospital.
Sairam Healthcare Chritable Trust, sunil Nagar, Nanded (MS) running the Ten bedded Hospital namely shri Sai Jyothi Hospital (Health) programme & cover 25 village of the Nanded tribal blocks of Nanded district. In this 2017-18- year organization has admitted near about 1700 hundred indoor patient and 7340 outdoor patients and given them treatment along with medicines @ free of cost as per their disease, & Emphasis is placed on mother and child health, Ten Bedded Hospital, awareness camps, growth monitoring of children less than five years of age and pot natal care, safe delivery, counseling on family planning and diagnostic services from the key components of the health programme. In this then Bedded Hospital medical & Health services camps total 2081 patients were treated during the year. Ailments treated included cardio-vascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary and pediatric infections an dermatological disorders. Beside faciliting the government sponsored pulse-polio campaign, the health team of Sairam Healthcare Chritable Trust, sunil Nagar, Nanded (MS) Ten Bedded Hospital (Health) carried out regular BCG, DPT, Polio measles, and vitamin A vaccination campaigns for children, significantly affecting the incidence of morbidity, and family planning was given emphasis in the awareness and many have adopted various family planning methods. In this Medical relief work organization has checked patients HB & Blood group, health Card, HIV test, etc and distributed them free medicines.
For the promotion of the national, integration Sairam Healthcare Chritable Trust, sunil Nagar, Nanded (MS) had taken a national integration camp. This camp was for the youths boys and girls. We had delivered speeches of he eminent resource persois to the youths, o the subject of social reforms, harmony brotherhood, etc. in this camp one hundred youths were taken participation program were arranged on 09/06/2017 organization has taken a ship aried goats rearing programmes for the rural farmers. In this camp we has given a training to them for how to farm the domestic animals in the farms as a side business for the farmer and villagers.
Sairam Healthcare Chritable Trust, sunil Nagar, Nanded (MS) Dist Adilabad-has arranged a training camps of the generation for the rural women. In this camps we had trained the women by giving them computer. Tailoring, beauty parlor training. In this training camps 269 women were participated. We has given them assistance for the self employment. Now the women are working in their own houses and private firms and they are getting more money. Through this their family income is increased program were arranged on 24-10-2017.for two day.T0 impart practical knowledge about human right and there protection
Sairam Healthcare Chritable Trust, sunil Nagar, Nanded (MS) ha sarranged a Shibir for the social welfare of the scheduled casts and scheduled tribes. In this camp we has arranged a workshop for the peoples about the social welfare and developmental activities for them. To this camp various resource persons were addressed for delivering speeches program were arranged 26-7/2017
Thanking You
Growing wellbeing for our community
A 3-Year Strategic Action Plan 2018-21 human being…
First, comes the human being…
The human being, the most honorable of all the created….
We set off with this motto. Our guide in this journey was “The most propitious person is the one that poor people’’. In light of this guide, we prepared our strategic plan by also embracing universal values and standards
We envision a future full of possibilities of taking forward our ideas and thoughts of social change and also the implementation of those ideas as well. The tireless attempt towards perfection is what we seek to achieve. The future plans of our organization are thus just not mere plans but are the dreams of all the employees and beneficiaries. The need for diversification of serving other varied causes as well as extending the patronage to the deprived as much as possible is our future ideal. The future plans comprises of some severe issues which needs immediate thought and action for the wholesome development of the marginalized sections of the society and also the need for some infrastructural changes on the part of our organization
• Social Justice & Equity: Everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.
• Respect: The rights and dignity of every human being irrespective of their social standing.
• Integrity: transparency, accountability and efficiency in our dealings with others.
Partnerships: Working with other partners and collaborators in a dedicated manner to-wards the achievement of common targets and goal
We build replicable, evidence-based solutions with communities, governments and public health systems to improve health outcomes of vulnerable urban women and children
2Review and Analysis
of the Context of Our Work
We believe and promote the following values in all that we do:
Lessons from the Past Findings from the Review of the Strategic Plan 2016-17
As it launches into the next strategic plan period SHCCT is fully aware of the environment (influencing factors and actors) it is going to work in. It has isolated the critical challenges or conditions facing the community and has thus identified pos-sable drivers for change as highlighted below.
Sustainability of partners and their projects as well as supporting communities through innovative approaches including grant-making and capacity building were identified as critical elements to its success and that of its DONER. In addition there was the unique approach of allowing communities to identify and prioritize their own agendas and the ability to work with others to support them. SHCCT strong values, quality and empowering leadership were also noted to have been major contributors to the organization’s success. Most of those inter-viewed highly commended SHCCT on its approach to development.
However, there were a number of challenges noted during the review process with the possible recommendations to address them:
• Strengthening the balance between needs and rights in programmers.
• Strengthening capacity building.
• Keeping the policy agenda focused
• Expanding the influencing agenda.
SHCCT intends to use the recommendations from the review as building stones even as it embarks on this new strategy.
Target Group and Geographical Location of Operations
1] SHCCT works with poor, marginalized and disadvantaged communities as its primary target group and looks to assist them uplift their livelihoods through their own efforts.
2 ]The organization’s secondary target comprise of organized communities who are focused in looking to uplift themselves in a sustainable manner through asset development.
3] SHCCT believes strongly in the ability of communities to identify and drive their own development agenda. As such, the organization responds to requests from these communities. In responding to the requests, SHCCT attempts to as far as is possible ensure that its interventions have a national per-species by covering a diverse number of regions .fund builders as vital partners in assisting the organization and the community in attaining sustain-ability
3Strategy: What We Do
& How We Do It
SHCCT plans during this strategic plan period to build on the achievements made and work
undertaken over the last five years with the different communities . Taking into consideration the tremendous demand (current and anticipated as a result of devolution) on SHCCT ’s services and the communities that have already been strengthened, the organization proposes to play a more facilitative role, only intervening itself on the ground where it desires to assist in establishing best practices that others can replicate for their own sustainability.
This shall be done by focusing on the following thematic areas:
• Livelihoods, Environment and Climate
Change (LEC)
• Education, Youth and Children
• Policy, Research and Advocacy
• Capacity Development & Organizational
. Mother and child health care
4Our Work Going Forward
SHCCT strategic goals which are based on its Vision, Mission and Theory of Change and upon which the organization has developed its interventions are as follows:
To build strong and credible institutions for sustainable development of communities
To influence and foster favorable policy framework and an enabling environment for organized giving and social justice
SHCCT positioned as a centre of excellence that nurtures/ promotes knowledge management and adoption of sound development policies and practices
To strengthen & enhance SHCCT’s Sustainability
We improved our health indicators at a pace and level that are rare in the world and set a example of success. With this transformation, we have shown that we can overcome any obstacle and reach any objective.
Action plan 2018-19
1] Action Plan for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
Norway will concentrate on four thematic priority areas:
• Women’s political empowerment,
• Women’s economic empowerment,
• Sexual and reproductive health and rights,
• Violence against women
Gender equality involves the redistribution of power, resources and care
Responsibilities between men and women. The most important force for
change is women who organize and mobilize resources to challenge & overcome discriminatory attitudes and structures in their societies,
2]Action Plan for the Inclusion
of Persons with Disabilities
Disability is not only the result of physical, intellectual, emotional or sensory impairments; it is above all the barriers encountered in the environment that disable a person.
Not only do persons with disabilities have fewer opportunities as a direct result of their impairment. Physical barriers and the
attitudes of the people around them further hamper their efforts to participate fully in society. Our strategic objectives thus address the following levels:
1]We will set a good example in our own organization.
2]Medical/ Rehabilitation –
Disabled Support Centre project
Medical and rehabilitation treatment does not reach the disabled children in the poor villages. Due to the high level of illiteracy in villages, the families do not understand or know what benefits the government provides. In addition, villages are far from medical or rehabilitation centres, therefore transportation cost is another obstacle. Education The children who don’t have to be carried, can sit up straight and behave in a group can go to a government school.
overall goal of the Disabled Support Centre project is to improve the quality of life for disabled children in poor families in NANDED district of Maharashtra Increased and more appropriate support for disabled children and their families Increased social interaction between families with disabled children in villages in the area. Integration of disabled children and young adults into the wider community. Education and Life skills development.
3]Health and Wellbeing Action Plan
Ongoing project
Goal 1 – aims to reduce child deaths by two-thirds between 18-19
Goal 2- has the target of reducing maternal deaths by three quarters over the same period.
Project aims-
Ensure pregnancy and giving birth is safer for more vulnerable women in remote rural areas. Empower women to stand up for their health rights by providing the relevant information and skills. Infant and maternal mortality is down. Access to
nutritional supplements, including iron, has led to a fall in anaemia and irondeficiency in women and children. A majority of women now have access to pregnancy care and safe delivery. Malnutrition among children and pregnant
women has reduced, and the babies have a better birth weight.
The Plan Activities:
Improve skills of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) and midwives:
Train 10 TBAs in basic maternal care, identifying complications, referrals and preventing mother-to child HIV transmission.
Organize a workshop for health service midwives and TBAs to exchange skills and experiences of maternal care, and support women-led Community Health Care Committees (CHCs) to ensure ongoing mentoring between the two.
Supply 10TBAs with mobile phones for emergency referrals. Build community health skills and awareness of health rights:
Train households in first aid, nutrition and other preventive care skills ,through workshops led by health service experts. The Impact As a result of this project, we expect: Maternal mortality rates in the rural communities will fall by 25 per cent. The number of pregnant women in the communities seeking skilled and professional maternal health care will rise by 50 per cent. Women will be more empowered to demand their health care rights and voice their needs to local and national authorities. Chiefs and elders in the project area will pass by-laws linked to maternal health (for example, by imposing small fines to families whose babies are born at home). There will be greater awareness of maternal health issues among politicians, with political parties making maternal health care a priority in their campaigns.
Who will benefit
1] 20000 people, especially women, will learn about their right to free health care and the importance of seeking skilled delivery.
2] Near about 5000 ANC&PNC follow-up would be targeted in one year .
3]5000 newborn take advantage of this program
4] 2,000 people will develop first aid and preventive care skills (to reduce the risks of malnutrition and anemia).
5] 10 TBAs and midwives will also enhance their child delivery skills.
Neighboring villages will learn about health rights through word of mouth, while improve The birth of a child should be a wonderful, life-changing time for a mother anther whole family. It is a time of new beginnings, of fresh hopes and new dreams, of change and opportunity. It is a time when the experiences we have can shape our lives and those of our babies and families forever. These moments are so precious, and so important. It is the privilege of the SHCCT and healthcare professionals to care for women, babies and their families at these formative times. in the wider health system, could benefit millions of people across Nnanded .All maternal mothers are not provided with healthcare facilities. Lack of knowledge and lack of skills, from the service providers, is responsible for the situation of midwifery in India today. They are trained, they are midwives but they are unable to provide proper care because lack of facilities and improper setup of labor rooms. This is the problems identified, part of treatment they are receiving but they are not getting quality care“.
2]Improving Maternal & Child Health [MCH] in the far unreached areas through Health Clinics & Family Life Education in Schools
Village Health Planning creates demand for health services
” The women had been deprived of health services and benefits meant for them for so long, that they had accepted the occasional complications and hygiene related problems arising out of home deliveries
• The programmer seeks to improve the health status of women and
children through improved access and quality Reproductive and Child Health services with focused attention to the most vulnerable sections of the society.
• To promote the Positive health seeking behavior among community particularly in the age group of 15-49 yrs.
2. TARGETTED GROUP(S) OF THE PROJECT: Women & Adolescents (15-49 age group) & children ( 0-6 years )
Education System, yet majority of the rural communities lack development due to their inability to utilize them. With over eight years of community service, the organization has grown from a community-based organization to a non-profit NGO, operating in the thematic areas of education, human rights and environment. It seeks to create a future of hope for under-served children, women and their communities by helping them to build their skills and resources to reduce their vulnerability in a sustainable way.
Give The Girl-child a second chance to be in school in 10 Village of nanded
2. 4.1 Project objectives
The purpose of the project is to improve access to basic education for the girl child through supporting the enrolment and retention of girls missing out of schools in whole district nanded.
The project is aimed at achieving the following objectives:
i. To improve capacities in Urban & rural communities to effectively respond to issues of girl child education.
ii. To reduce the number of girls not attending school in rural communities by supporting large Number of girls with logistics to enroll or continue their schooling.
4.2 Project Intended Results
The expected results of the interventions have been summarized as follows:
i. People in Urban & rural communities will become more aware on the need to enrol girls into schools.
ii. Management structures of Urban & rural schools will be enhanced to effectively handle issues of girl child education.
iii. Comprehensive data on number of girls not attending school gathered in Various villages gathered.
iv. A large number of out-of-school girls will be supported to enrol into schools .
By the year 2018, NGO plans to educate 1000 children in centers in NANDED . Due to the easy reliability of an centre, we believe SHCCT will be able to reach out to substantial numbers of children in the years to come.
To meet our increasing expenses and balance the financial support we receive from our sponsors, we plan to enhance our internal revenue generating capability by expanding Art . SHCCT plans to promote increasing opportunities for its children by setting up vocational education classes and by formalizing links with vocational training institutes and small enterprises.
Metrics for
Project and proposal development
3.1 We Ensure that all proposals for humanitarian response projects include coordination as a particular activity; that an outline of what this consists
of is clearly delineated and included in proposals; indicators are elaborated and inserted and that were port on progress and measure our coordination related activities against established indicators.
3.2 We Ensure that responsibility for carrying out coordination is clearly delineated in job descriptions of project staff.
3.3 Support the organization’s humanitarian partners to develop funding proposals and directly access funds
4.4 Enhancing the ability of NGOs to engage in humanitarian coordination mechanisms and to rapidly access humanitarian funding can contribute towards ensuring more effective and efficient delivery of humanitarian assistance. It also builds capacity of civil society organizations and thus plays a role in ensuring sustainability and long term impact of interventions
Brief Justification & plan of Action to undertaking program for the Health Care provision for people of Nanded block in the Nanded District of (MS) state India through
PROJECT AREA =Nanded Blocks of NANDED District.
Following aspect have been considered by the Sairam Healthcare Charitable Trust, sunil Nagar,
Nanded (MS) in conducting diagnostic health camps for the people In the area and organization
in the long run progress to establish regular / mobile medical health care services.
Through the primary health facilities are available in the district at regular distances people especially
the women, children and aged are unable to travel even short distance and prefer to go close
by for the available medical facilities.
Sairam Healthcare Chritable Trust, sunil Nagar Nanded is a registered Non Profit Making Organization established in 2008, Government registration number NAN/E272 dated 05/07/2008 working from last 10 years with its Aims and object. This annual report may focus on our physical
Achievement, and development of the organization.
Providing quality education, awareness and health care in the spirit of society, especially the poor, the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised irrespective of caste and creed.
To identify and work with the impoverished, weaker and vulnerable sections of the society to find solutions to the challenges threatening their lives with the ultimate aim of establishing an aware, responsible and developed society based upon equality, fraternity and social justice, ensuring sustainable and holistic development with emphasis on human rights, and a culture of social service through creating synergy and building strategic partnership with the Government, NGO’s(Non Government Organizations), SHG’s (Self Help Group CBO’(community based organizations) and various national and international organizations by planning appropriate downstream and upstream interventions.
We put women and girls in the center because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.
Transformation Integrity Diversity Excellence Equality
Child rights programs:
Conducted awareness programs for general population on the issues of children.
Conducted awareness programs for hoteliers, small shop owners on the issues of children .Conducted orientation program to the police and school teachers on
Children rights.
Identified children in working conditions admitted them into the bridge schools operated by the education department of government.
Environment protection programs:
Women are trained on environment issues, their role in protecting the environment.
Schools children were trained on environment issues and formed school level environment clubs .promotion of the kitchen garden concept in the rural area
Watershed Management program:
Formation of small and marginal farmers groups
Conducting training to CBO’s, NGO’s on micro watershed programs
Capacity building of CBO’s, SHG’s on micro planning, formation of user groups, gender issues with respect to water
Capacity building on soil conversation, water conservation, vegetation
development, opportunistic employments.
Education, research and training:
a) To promote education, especially girl education.
b) To conduct education, environmental and sociological studies.
c) To promote use of information & communication Technology (ICT) for socio-economic development of the community.
d) To organize training and refresher programs for the volunteers and officials of different Non Government Organizations to strengthen the development skills of trainees through IEC (information. Education and communication) which they can use in the development sector.
e) To disseminate information and knowledge, to edit, publish and print literature and documents, maintain libraries and to organize seminars/conferences/meetings etc.
f) To promote participation of youth (unemployed as well as students) in income generation activities.
g) To establish educational, professional and vocational institutions like Engineering, Medical, Pharmacy and
h) Agriculture Colleges that would strengthen the developmental process.
i) To organize lectures, seminars and workshops to help or strengthen the character building process.
2] Health CARE ,
1. To identify and work with the impoverished, weaker and vulnerable sections of the society to find solutions to the challenges threatening their lives with the ultimate aim of establishing an aware, responsible and developed society based upon equality, fraternity and social justice, ensuring sustainable and holistic development with emphasis on human rights, and a culture of social service through creating synergy and building strategic partnership with the Government, NGO’s(Non Government Organizations), SHG’s (Self Help Groups), CBO’s (community based organizations) and various national and international organizations by planning appropriate downstream and upstream interventions.
2. To fight against corruption and make people aware about their legal and consumer and Human rights.
3. To collaborate with corporate houses to fulfill their social responsibilities.
4. Policy formulation and implementation:
a) To work with the Government and other NGO’s at the policy formulation level.
b) To affirmatively coordinate with the State Government in implementation of developmental schemes
Target Community:
• Children Disabled women youth
Areas of work:
• Educational Promotional initiatives among children and under privileged.
• Nutrition and Health promotion activities among women and children in rural areas.
• Skill development and livelihood programs
• Sustainable Agricultural development programs.
• Research activities of Health and Education in all the areas.
Strategy of the organization : \
Facilitate the community participation in assessing their situation from social economic and political perspectives; develop appropriate strategies, which ensure community participation in capacity building, liaison with useful institutions and networking with likeminded organizations.
Major Activities of the Organization
Brief Justification & plan of Action to undertaking program for the Health Care provision for people of Nanded block in the Nanded District of (MS) state India through TEN BEDDED HOSPITLA ……
Nanded Blocks of NANDED District
Following aspect have been considered by the Sairam Healthcare Chritable Trust, sunil Nagar, Nanded (MS) in conducting diagnostic health camps for the people In the area and organization in the long run progress to establish regular / mobile medical health care services.
Through the primary health facilities are available in the district at regular distances people especially the women, children and aged are unable to travel even short distance and prefer to go close by for the available medical facilities.
The Transport and communication facilities are limited and are not easily accessible by the scheduled tribes community staying in remote and scattered hamlets. The existing transport facilities do not favors them in emergency situation.
The health care facilities infrastructure in the Tribal and Rural areas do not match the facilities available in urban areas .since the nomadic population also exists in a large number there is a great need
Empowerment Women Programs:
• Collectivized women into 10self help Groups on the self-respect, equal opportunities and economic vulnerability
• Promoted leadership among the women by various capacity building programs
• Organizing the women into pressure groups by networking all the village level self-help groups at District level as Community Based Organizations and facilitating the CBO’s towards the emerging social economical and political issues
• Organizing seminars, workshops for women for improved alliances to collectivize women on the issues of discrimination, equal opportunities, and human rights.
• Organized women into self-help groups initiated Micro-finance programs for Women.
• Established finance and technical resources linkages with self help groups
• Promoted the concept of mutual help and trust among the stakeholders for collective economic growth of the community members on cooperative principles
• Conducted skills development programs for women and established women entrepreneurship for poor and vulnerable women
• Identified animal rearing as one of the important income generation programs and promoted goat rearing, milking animals and lamb rearing among women.
Community health programs:
• Implemented reproductive Child Health Program in 30Villages for improved health and nutrition status of women in reproductive age group, and infants and children under 12 years old.
• Awareness camps were conducted for improved personal hygiene and environment sanitation
• water concepts
• Traditional Birth Attendants are capacitated on Reproductive Child Health issues and promoted safe delivery practices
• Promoted 100% immunization and worked in collaboration with government health service systems
• Awareness camps and capacity building programs were conducted on strategies in controlling Infant mortality and maternal mortality
• Various medical camps were organized for poor and elder people
• Awareness programs on HIV/AIDS has conducted separately for youth, women and men.
a. Empowerment of differently able persons:
• Organized 200differently able person into self help groups in (Town Name) NANDED district.
• Community based Rehabilitation programs initiated for differently able persons.
• Conducted medical camps for the community members
• Working for the livelihoods, education and human rights issues of differently able persons
• Promotion of self-confidence and self-reliance through social, medical, vocational, education and economical inputs
b. Child Right Programs
• Conducted awareness programs for general population on the issues of children
• Conducted awareness programs for hoteliers, small shop owners on the issues of children
• Conducted orientation programs to the police and school teachers on children rights
• Identified children in working conditions admitted them into the bridge schools operated by the education department of Government
c. Environment Protection Programs:
• Women were trained on environment issues, their role in protecting the environment
• School children were trained on environmental issues and formed school level environment clubs
• Promotion of kitchen garden concepts in the rural areas
d. Watershed management program:
• Formation of small and marginal farmers groups
• Conducting trainings to CBO’s, NGO’s, on micro watershed programs
• Capacity building of CBO’s SHG’s on micro planning, formation of user groups,
• gender issues with respect to water
• Capacity building on soil Conservation, water Conservation, Vegetation
• development, opportunistic employments
Conducted awareness programs for general population on the issues of children.
Conducted awareness programs for hoteliers, small shop owners on the issues of children. Conducted orientation program to the police and school teachers on children rights.Identified children in working conditions admitted them into the bridge schools operated by the education department of government.
Developing communities,
This Concern supported community development program in NANDED Maharashtra has recently adopted a holistic approach to village development across four areas of work namely – water, health and sanitation, agriculture and education. It works on education programmer and capacity building for women, farmers and self-help groups through formal and informal training sessions.
Addressing health care needs
Health is one of the core issues supported SHCCT. This program addresses the health needs of 50 pre-school children. It educates children, especially girls, and aims at training staff through community awareness program, home visits, health check-ups, life-skills training sessions, cleanliness drives and competitions.
KARSHANA RATHOD 12-year-old child was diagnosed with TB during a routine health check-up camp organized by the NGO. KARSHNA a daily wage labor mother too suffers from tuberculosis. The NGO referred KARSNA and his mother to a DOTS centre at the government hospital for proper treatment. A diet chart has been given to the family by the nutritionist and KARSNA and his mother are now being regularly monitored.
Empowering young lives
One of the most common problems faced by rural communities in India is the lack of quality education. This leads to an increased number of dropouts or poor academic performance. This program enhances the quality of life of marginalized rural communities through holistic interventions. It sets up school-based education, health and nutrition programs and women’s empowerment programs in the area. The project is currently working with government schools in ten villages.
The story of Varsha and his neighbor Suman is typical of thousands of children across India, who miss out on going to school because of petty .
10-year-old Anil suffers from Down’s Syndrome. His school takes care of children with multiple challenges and disabilities. It imparts basic education, general knowledge and opportunity for physical and mental development activities along with self-care. When Anil first joined the special school, he struggled to form a complete sentence.
reasons. In this case, they had to take their cattle to graze every morning and thus could not attend school. A balwadi teacher noticed this and approached the Sarpanch to come up with a solution. He got each family to pay Rs. 15 per month to hire someone to do the job. Today, ten village children are regularly attending the local government school.
A ray of hope,
Educating the girl child is another focus area for us. This program cares for neglected and abandoned girls. In the last year, 25 girls have made this shelter home their own. This residential care program provides food and shelter and focuses on rescuing, identifying and enrolling the children in school. They are counseled to help them cope with their day-to-day situations.
Rupali an abandoned and rejected orphan found safety, love and care at this shelter home. With grit, hard work and determination, she excelled in her studies and completed the 12th class She then pursued her B Sc in Nursing. Today, she is working as a nurse for a super specialty hospital in Nanded and is completely self-sufficient. She has now become a role model for the other children .
Creating health awareness,
This program conducts free health camps in the slums to increase awareness on non-communicable diseases like anemia, diabetes and hypertension. They also screen women for breast and cervical cancer which is followed up by the treatment.
Chandra a 38-year-old mother of two, attended the non-communicable diseases screening camp in April 2015 She had completed her family planning operation and did not have any complaints. A pap smear screening test revealed an abnormal growth and a hysterectomy was advised. Thanks to early detection, she was operated on quickly and is now doing well.
Literacy brings growth,
Supporting communities through education has been one of our main endeavors. One such project runs in the remote areas of dhanegoin where the illiteracy rate is quite high. The project started an adult education centre that caters to people of all age groups. Currently the program runs five adult education centers, where 40 uneducated parents, school dropouts, women and girls are educated.
Parvati a 34-year-old learner has three daughters. She and her husband, who is a farmer, were set to marry off their 15-year-old daughter studying in the 8th class The facilitator at the education centre convinced the couple against it, explaining the ill-effects of child marriage. On following up with parvati a week later, it was revealed that the couple had mutually decided to postpone their daughter’s marriage till she turned 20. At present, their daughter is pursuing her education in the 9th class
Educating to empower,
In rural Nanded survival is a daily battle and schooling takes a backseat. In this environment, 3 free tuition centers provide supplementary education
Rahul dropped out of school in the 8th class She has an alcoholic father and her mother is a homemaker. When he found out about the mobile tailoring program, she joined it. Today, she has become a competent tailor and stitches clothes for the men, women and children of her village. She is earning well and is a successful breadwinner of the family.
As much as 500 million of India’s total population live below the poverty level. These families live in living standards that are among the poorest in the world. Out of these 30% are the children. We aim at providing the input that will build the skills of these disadvantaged children so they can lead better lives.
As it is rightly said by Nelson Mandela ‘Sport has the power to change the world’ . An innovative way of building life skills is through sports. So we want to change their lives through sports. Sports require and teach discipline, confidence, team-work, patience, tolerance, etc which are essential components of life skills.
We have also been involved in starting a Sports league with children who came from very poor homes. There was an assumption that these would be a useful introduction to their lives; provide an opportunity that otherwise they may not have. That assumption seemed certainly true; it introduced a new art, opportunity for entertainment, values of competition and discipline.
Now We wish to take this Sports League for these children to next level by organising National level competition, buying them sports kit, Hiring Trained and professional coaches which could help these children learn experience about various sports and games. We wish to expand its operations and aims to be associated with more than ten thousand underprivileged adolescents in the Coming years.
To meet such aims it definitely requires large amounts as grants and funds. The major sources of financial support in the past were funds and donations made by family members and friends or any fundraising events (corporate sponsorships), but that are not enough. Lack of funds and donations limits us from hiring experienced people and this also impacts our intentions of expanding this much appreciated work to a greater level. So we are running a crowd funding Campaign on India For Sports to gather funds for “Sports for Development” for these kids.
SHCCT believes education is
A universal human right; The key to poverty alleviation and sustainable human development;
SHCCT undertaken following educational activities.
1. Development of need based curriculum for different target groups. 2.Development of methodology to adopt the National Curriculum to local situation i.e. Local Curriculum Development.
3. Development and dissemination of graded learning materials for illiterates and neo- literates specially for girls and women.
4. Development of learning materials related with improvement of quality of life and income generation.
5. Organization of training of literacy instructors, supervisors and local organizers working with NGOs.
6. Various evaluation and research studies.
7. Development of Community Learning and Development Approach and setting up 10 Community Learning Centers in different villages to combine learning with community development !”The NGOs help to train local people in different trades and to develop learning materials for different trades. !”The NGOs also help them in monitoring and evaluation of the projects. The SHCCT conduct program to improve the quality of life of local people integrating learning, earning and living process together. This is entirely NGOs initiated program which have become
very popular in NANDED . This model of SHCCT has been used by most of the VELLAGE of NANDED
8. Building Capacities to NGOs Personnel. NGOs are very strong to make development people centered. The Person working in NGOs have good intention and service motive .But most of them lack necessary capacity andProfessional competencies in different fields
1. Literacy, post literacy and out of school education program in different school .
2. Organization of saving and credit groups;
3. Organization of income generating program to poor people through skills training;
4. Learning materials development and publication;
5. Capacity building of local organizations;
6. Organization of seminars for awareness building among the community people.
7. Monitor to the grass root organizations and service organizations;
8. Organization of training, seminars, workshops, meetings etc.
9. Research and evaluation of development program.
Most people agree that most SHCCT is result oriented, effective & efficient.
The understanding and practice of children’s rights is an important element in the preparation of all young people for living in a democratic society that values diversity and is committed to equality and social justice. Such understanding and practice are developed at an early age in learning the basic facts about rights and through acquiring the needed skills to translate this information into action; skills such as decision-making, value clarification, and negotiations. Such learning is reinforced through the very nature of the surrounding environment itself. An appropriate climate is an essential complement to effective learning about and through rights, where it is not only enough to focus upon knowledge, and information gathering about rights, but where it is just as important, that children are given the opportunity to develop and practice skills necessary for the defense and promotion of their own and other people’s rights. It follows that children’s rights are best learned in a democratic setting where participation is encouraged, where views can be expressed openly and discussed, and where there is fairness and justice. Schools in principle provide a structured learning environment for many children particularly at primary levels, and offer a good opportunity to focus on changing knowledge, skills and attitudes of children. They are a cost-effective way of reaching children while securing wide coverage and sustainability through the already available infrastructure of the education sector itself.
Schools constitute a resource in the community by having an impact on the habits of its members, where children can play the role of change agents within their families and Communities in relation to rights and can become good partners for information propagation.
NANDED is a small DISTRICT . It has a population of around As of the 2011 census, Nanded had a population of 550,564. The municipality had a gender ratio of 924 females per 1,000 males. 12.4 percent of the population were under six years old. Effective literacy was 87.40 percent .million and a child population of around one million between 0- 15 years.
still perceptible and the costs of living are on the rise. Twenty-eight percent of families, in fact, live under the poverty line, and 75 percent of these are found in the rural area Moreover, some 450,000 people are still displaced living under hard conditions being deprived of most of their basic needs.
Teach &learn project
Objectives of the Project
The general objective of this project will be to promote by the year 2018 the teach among 100,000- children of Nanded within the age of 5 to 15 years through child-friendly education and schools. The specific objectives are:
– To extend within the formal and non-formal curricula teaching/ learning modules that touch within basic life skills, democratic values, and learning competencies, with assessment and evaluation techniques.
– To equip around 10000 teachers, inspectors, counselors, and school principals in addition to youth leaders and social workers with interactive techniques that promote LEARNING and their practice.
– To improve the learning environment in 100 schools by involving 100,000-children activities within the guiding spirit of the PROJECT and while
encouraging the participation of parents and other active community members in school clubs and other extension programmers.
Geographical Coverage and Beneficiaries
The project will cover 100 basic education level schools in all regions of NANDED . Main beneficiaries are 100,000- children between 5 and 15 years old, in addition to their caregivers including teachers, school counselors, principals and their parents that will be involved in school club activities with other active community members.
– Mobilizing all educational and communication channels for the promotion of the its understanding and its practice in order to strengthen political support, broaden the alliance, partnership and interagency collaboration at local, regional levels..
– Empowering beneficiaries including children and parents while enhancing community participation by promoting better learning environments within schools that are child-friendly.
– Strengthening governmental, non-governmental organizations and the private sector structures towards institutionalizing the activity including the integration of its principles in the national curricula.
– Building national capacities by training and participation in the different project activities at local and peripheral levels through the development and implementation of the T&L . and their continuous monitoring and evaluation while encouraging the exchange of national and international expertise.
– Modeling targeted and progressive interventions that will consider culturally sensitive issues of the T&L and important stages of the child development while reducing regional disparities along rural-urban and socio-economic lines.
– Going to scale by building on existing initiatives as the interactive and integrative approach of the Global Education Initiative designed to improve the quality of education by changing content, style and method of the learning process, and successful activities with peace values and conflict resolution skills from the Education for Peace project which is based on active learning methods within the non-formal channels of education. .
– Training of Trainers
The core team with occasional help from the experts will train 100 to 150 trainers from all NANDED regions. The training will focus on building the capacities of the trainees to be trainers of teachers, social workers peer and youth leaders and to be coordinators and supervisors of the on-going school activities.
-Training of teachers
The trainers will implement various training workshops per year to reach around 5,000- educators including teachers, school principals, inspectors, counselors and others.
Training workshops will be undertaken all through the school year to upgrade skills on an on-going basis and as needed to ensure quality performance.
-Training of social workers, youth and peer leader
The trainers will train around 1,000- social workers, peer and youth leaders including dramatists and other animators who implement children’s activities in order to be able to undertake activities within clubs and with the participation of parents and other community actors.
conducting various Social Welfare Activities like Skill Development through Vocational Education, Capacity Building of Youth, Mobilization of Community, Women Welfare etc
Our Programs-
Our programs are placement linked, short term (8 weeks, 12 weeks and 24 weeks) and are offered to people at entry level and supervisory levels. Our course content is based on the findings of Training Needs Analysis and inputs from Subject Matter Experts.
Sector Position Health Care •
Bedside Assistant • Pharmacy Assistant • Optometrist cum Optician Technician Hospitality • Hospitality Assistant •
Household Assistant Retail
• Sales Person • Retail Operations Garment Making • Hand Embroider • Garment Packer • Basic Sewing Operator Courier & Logistics • Office Assistant • Operation Supervisor
Inflexible and low quality basic formal education, with high indirect basic education costs, and poor decision-making on the part of parents who prioritize their children’s involvement in work over education; as a result, children often don’t meet
Opening of workshop for training
Giving certificate to miss Seetabai for Bedside Assistance
Giving certificate for tolerating
A) Requirements to enroll in higher education.
B) Poor quality vocational skills training which rarely leads to employment opportunities due to the gaps between the training offered and the needs of the job sector.
C) Limited opportunities for employability skills training as children and youth have limited access to established social networks or limited ability to develop themselves outside of the classroom and their families. Many technical vocational education and training institutions (TVET) prioritize vocational skills training, not employability skills, which professionals need for their career development.
D) Lack of awareness among stakeholders as they don’t understand the negative short-term impact of child labor and don’t value the long term benefits of education.
Taking into account this context and situation, Save the Children developed the Education for Youth Empowerment Program which aims to transform the outcomes for working children and vulnerable youth in urban and rural NANDED This is a comprehensive education model for getting working children and vulnerable youth into education or decent employment, enabling them to influence decisions that affect their lives and advocate for their rights. The Program is comprised of nine projects that provide basic education, vocational training, and life skills education to young people in distinct contexts across Bangladesh.
Goal: To empower and improve the economic, social, and political lives of vulnerable children and youth in urban and rural areas so they can build better futures in Bangladesh.
Objective 1: Improved access to decent employment opportunities for working children and vulnerable youth through quality basic education, market relevant vocational skills training, and employability skills training.
Objective 2: Children and youth are capable of becoming active citizens, and guardians are responsive to and respectful of the rights of working children and vulnerable youth.
School based counseling for education
The following activities will be implemented under this project:-
1. Community mobilizations and identification of required youths: Over 12,000 people will be reached and the service will be managed jointly with community leaders, development workers and organizations and SHCCT staff. It will still focus on assessing the nature of the community and the status of beneficiaries more especially young people. Mobilization will also be in preparation for identifying and forming family support groups (FSG) and youth vocational clubs in rural areas of operation. The clubs are thought to strengthen the sustainability of the project.
2. Conducting community Mobilization and Sensitization on youth friendly concerning Vocational trainings (income generating activities, Reproductive health (HIV/AIDS), Environment programs, Youth gender protection and development programs
1. Capacity Building: Empowering youth and creating a positive community/school environment and consistent in their approach, hence development of an African Child career through vocational training skills. Among the roles include the following:-
1. 900 participants will be trained in sustainable activities both in and out of schools.
2. 40% of Young people will be empowered with life planning skills and knowledge of positive planning.
3. 180 participants will be trained in leather tanning activities at community level.
4. Training workshops for 20 parents and 20 teachers from each school targeting 20 schools of program district.
The above trainings of participants will be conducted at all levels as peer educators on the importance of family involvement, family development, human relations, child rights, Environmental protection, parenting strategies, child development and support them in their sustainable skills in catchments.
2. Counseling: Counseling and guiding young people on various development aspects in such a way to recognize their potential skills relevant to their professional development. This will be successful through engaging and empowering parents in decision-making practices of advisory groups (such as local school-community improvement councils), school reform committees, advocacy and other school/community restructuring effort
3. Procuring and Distributing IEC Materials: Carrying out home visits and having meetings with parents/families concerning young people in less formal way of using IEC materials that most parents read and understand. This is aimed at reminding communities to implement young people’s sustainable programs in their respective places. Therefore producing and distributing 200IEC materials on empowerment and youth friendly programs will be in form of Brochures and Newsletters.
4. Advocacy: Through Net-working services with organizations carrying out demonstration on simplicity of vocational skills sections establishment, Income generating activities, Community Seminars on vocational skills training Advocacy, Establishment, Development and Sustainability, Establishing vocational skills training centers and Tree planting in our catchments.
5. Follow-up activities: Staff members will always go back to places where they have carried out the activities to meet young people to assess the changes that have occurred, guide beneficiaries in their respective activities, share with them experiences that they have met and get measures on them accordingly.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation: This will be an ongoing activity throughout the project and will be carried out on monthly basis. It will be carried out to access the project implementation and will help to supervise the youth community based workers. Assessed management processes will view objectives, concepts, designs and methodologies of the project; it is an international management responsibility. This will be an on going activity throughout the project life. It will be routinely through monthly reports, meetings, check lists, surprise visits and support supervision visit.
The main goal is to integrate vocational trainings skills with other practices in communities and school syllabuses so as to improve the capacity building of young people (girls and boys) aged 10-25 years through empowering participants in all activities in Kampala suburbs.
1. The project will be implemented in local areas of the project interests; beneficiaries of the project are be Approximately as follows:-
• 900 young people will be trained in various sustainable skills
• 20 parents and 20 teachers will be trained as community based support structures and they will also work as community resource owned persons.
• 30 youths will also be trained as community based volunteers. This team will work as middle men between service providers and community youths.
2. The number of beneficiaries to reach by the end of one year is estimated 900 as it is justified in no1, above.
3. The organization is planning to reach the target group(s) through CBSS, CBV, women and men in project catchments areas.
Recruiting procedures of participants
Regarding staff members are expected to apply in the beginning of the program, of which they will be short-listed for interviews which will be conducted by board and the best of all, will be declared as one of the staff. They will also be expected to be trained in the orientation of the program.
Volunteers will also apply and those with relevant papers will be considered and oriented in the field of vocational training skills hence considering the age as a very important key point in this aspect.
Community participants will be screened out with the help of community leaders, elders, teachers and church leaders. This exercise will be supported with research methodologies for effectiveness in recruiting participants.
Results we aim That we achieve:
1. Child and youth laborers leave hazardous work and complete quality primary basic education (up to grade 8) relevant to their present and future life.
2. Increased age appropriate and decent employment opportunities for vulnerable youth aged 14-24 years through access to market responsive quality TVET and entrepreneurial education.
3. Reduced vulnerability of targeted children and youth through employability skills training to develop knowledge and skills for survival in their jobs and society.
4. A responsive private sector fulfilling the rights of working children and youth.
5. In civil society, vulnerable children and youth are recognized in national policy creation and implementation based on advocacy using research, documentation, and effective practices.
Achievements in 2016-17
– A total of 2,434 urban working children/slum children have been provided with basic education support through 329 learning centers from class 1 to 8. A total of 4,593 working children took the Primary School Completion Examination (PECE) in 2016, out of which 93% passed.
– program has provided technical support to Out of School Children project on four pilots programs including the Urban Slum Children Education (USCE) and Pre vocational training.
– 1,00 youth received 6 months pre vocational training.
– 945 youth completed 6-12 months vocational training in 7 trades.
– Partnered with private hospital & company in the formal sector to promote apprenticeships and safe jobs for 1,262 youth workers.
– 100 youth clubs are functioning, where 473 children and youth enhanced their employability skills through training and youth led initiatives.
speech on skill development
– Sensitized 572 children in formal schools on the rights of working children through school campaigns.
– Updated life skills training manual including personal and professional skills.
– 1192 parents, employers and community members participated in parenting education sessions, which contributed to initiatives that promoted the rights of deprived children and youth.
– 428 employers received training to follow work place improvement plans.
– 39 Compound Management Committees (CMC) have been formed and 500 members were provided with capacity building support on the child rights business principles, participatory monitoring and supervision. .
– A number guidelines and manuals were finalized including the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) manual for the readymade garment (RMG) and electronics sector, syllabus and manual for pre technical education, learning materials for master trainers on English, Math and Science from class 6 to 8, training manual and teachers’ guide on literacy, financial management, and life skills.
Providing food to poor Childs in slum
Village based counseling for skill development